Sprite needed a brand space that would connect them to the larger hiphop ecosystem. The key here was to stick to basics of functionality because turnaround time was so tight…to create a space that can shift on demand, and maximize flexibility for merchandising, changing product assortment and events. As a result, we built a transformative space for Sprite that is a store by day and concert venue by night. The Sprite Corner was built on the idea of the Bodega as an intersection for urban music, art and culture with a variety of programming ranging from concerts to cooking shows to screenings to art workshops. It was open for 6 weeks on the corner of Spring and Bowery and helped make the brand more relevant in hip-hop with over 900 million impressions and a 50x increase in Sprite mentions in social hip hop conversations.

Building our case


Working out the Activations…

Sprite Corner Store VICE Cooking update 061615_Page_12.jpg

Tricking out the Corner Space


Nuts and Bolts from the Build Deck…