Poland Spring
Marathon Events
This is an overview of a number of different marathons Poland Spring sponsored: New York, Boston, Brooklyn Half marathon. The gallery shows, in order, event signage, in-situ concepts for spectator events, digital OOH, sampling bar setups, vehicle wrap concepts and executions, email blasts, and Snapchat filter treatments for race day events. Please note that all the images here are lightboxed, so feel free to click on any one to start a slideshow.
Closeup: Experiential, Hydration Station
Perrier Flavor Studio
Pop Up Store in Soho New York
The Flavor Studio was an interactive pop-up experience in Soho. Showcasing the dynamic artwork of acclaimed street artist AKACorleone, along with live music, interactive art displays, and a bubble ball pit, the PERRIER® Flavor Studio encouraged attendees to find and explore their own flavor inspiration. Using a tasting bar run by a mixologist (see last two frames), the KPI here was not just to get people to respond to Perrier as a brand, but for people to experiment and see what flavors in the portfolio they responded to, so each line could develop a following of its own!